Today your humble blogger writes to you with a heavy heart. In my effort to represent Santa Fe Square, the hall I represent as an Eco Rep, my patience is definitely being tried.
Last night I put the finishing touches on a new poster I made to promote this blog, and my services as an eco rep, but I awoke this morning to the poster being torn down and a bunch of smiley face temporary tattoos shoved under my door. This has become personal. I would much prefer residents of my hall to just come by and tell me if they have a problem instead of immature antics.
My first year as an Eco Rep for Santa Fe Square there was a handful of people in the hall who chose to personally attack me just for doing my job as an Eco Rep. It looks like they haven't gone away...just shifted locations.
My duties include adequately representing my hall and talking to people to try and get the word out. I am there to inform and to offer sustainable programming. These are all tasks I take seriously.
I will continue to fulfill my duties as an Eco Rep but I am saddened that folks prefer to behave childishly instead of talking to me. I feel as though I have let down my fellow eco reps, and my hall in this series of events. A small handful of residents are trying to cheat everyone else out of representation and programming.
I'm putting my poster back in its original wall spot and affixing the smiley faces to it...thanks for the supplies to make my poster more colorful!