Friday, September 24, 2010

The Tug of War Between Views of Being Green Continues

Pro Green
8 Hurdles on the track of a green energy future: vision of cheap, renewable power faces a technological reality check by John Roach writing for MSNBC reveals the 8 biggest political and technological roadblocks to green energy of the future.  The article lists the most probable ways to overcome these hurdles. See the link above for complete details.
·         Clean up existing supply with a price on carbon (taking excess carbon dioxide from the recovered natural gas and injects the carbon dioxide underground
·         Store wind and solar energy for later use
·         Limit impact of transmission lines
·         Drives down costs of electric cars
·         Build a portfolio of transportation options
·         Mine the earth for rare minerals
·         Grow energy crops; save the food
·         Bury hang-ups on nuclear waste

The Anti Green Opinion
The September 12, 2010 edition of Newsweek has an interesting article called “The Earth Doesn’t Care About what is done to or for it” by George F. Will. Mr. Will looks to Robert B. Laughlin, co-winner of the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics, to explain this point of view which hinges on being able to think in terms of geologic time. Mr. Will points out that The American Scholar Quarterly recently printed an article that asserts that “what humans do to, and ostensibly for, the earth does not matter in the long run, and the long run is what matters to the earth.”  By looking at the geological time, this perspective reflects that it is easier to think of potential situations much worse than what naturally occurs. It is a focus on the potential rather than the imminent that leads to destruction. This article supports the view that recycling campaigns are nice but the real threat is extinction of species because that is the one resource that is not fungible or replaceable.  This article was interesting and it does present a new perspective to sustainability. After reading the two page Newsweek article, I want to find the article by Mr. Laughlin for a deeper look.
Recent Trends...One Person's Trash is the World's Treasure
This September 21,2010 article from MSNs GOOD page shows how to recycle an oil rig that is no longer used to mine resources. This former oil rig is now “reborn as scuba heaven”. The Seaventures Dive Resort offers a plethora of reasonably priced dive packages for the oil rig remodel. The resort offers amenities of a regular hotel but focuses on making the available dive trips the highlight. You can spend time with the manta rays, eagle rays, sharks, turtles, and other ocean wonders. The Seaventures Dive Resort has been mentioned in the Wall Street Journal in more detail.

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